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In branding 101 vernacular, what does “brand” mean?

  • The word “brand” comes from Germanic languages and is still used today in the Dutch and German languages to denote “fire.”
  • Throughout the ages, from the ancient Egyptians to the cowboys of the American west, simple symbols were fire-heated and burned into livestock to identify ownership.
  • Those original iron “brands” are similar to the current meaning of our present day word “trademark.”

How does this translate to your business in today’s world?

  • Today, the word “brand” means much more than simply a trademark.
  • The trademark is one piece of larger strategyalbeit an important one. It is often the simplest meaningful visual representation of your company or product.
  • David Ogilvy described a brand as “the intangible sum of a product’s attributes: its name, packaging, and price, its history, its reputation, and the way it’s advertised.”

What is a brand image?

  • A brand image is the perception that your customers have of your brand’s personalitybe it real or imaginary.
  • It is the gut reaction they feel when seeing, hearing about or interacting with your organization, product, service, etc.

In a densely crowded marketplace, some people still fall in love with a brand, hate a brand or never think about a brand. How do consumers perceive your brand? Simply put, your “brand” is what a person thinks/feels when coming in contact with any of your brand touchpoint. Ask yourself…

  • Do consumers love your brand?
  • Do consumers hate your brand?
  • Do consumers know even that your brand exists?

Why is a strategic brand presence important?

  1. It delivers your message properly
  2. It confirms your credibility
  3. It connects to your target audience emotionally
  4. It motivates your consumers to interact
  5. It solidifies loyalty and creates brand advocates
George Bradshaw

George Bradshaw, the creative driving force behind Creative Butter, is the Creative Director and Co-founder. With an unwavering passion for innovative design and an impeccable eye for detail, George consistently infuses projects with his extensive experience and expertise. His creative journey, which began with a heartfelt letter to George Lucas in 1998, has shaped his unique perspective and fuels his dedication to pushing creative boundaries.

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